Sunday, January 18, 2015

My Life Right Now

Hello Everyone! I hope you are having an amazing weekend! 

Today I want to address the issue of my tardiness. I haven't been posting for the past few months and it has been very embarrassing. The truth is, posting felt more like a chore than a hobby. I felt that because very few people were reading my posts, if I happened to stop posting for a month or two, no one would be disappointed. 

I was right. 

There really was no need to "do it for my readers" because, let's be honest, there aren't very many of you out there! Why continue to blog if I have no one to share it with? 

As a blogger, it takes quite a lot of effort to produce quality content for readers to enjoy. In return, readers share the link to my blog and I continue to produce content. Lately, I haven't been getting anything in return. Two or three people read my blog at the most, and it's very disappointing.


A plethora of important things have occurred in my life. The New Year 2015 has approached, and I have really taken the time to identify my flaws, struggles, and goals that I need to polish and refine. 

My Top 8:

  • Spending more time with God
  • Spending more time with my siblings
  • Learning to respect my Dad
  • Controlling my anger
  • Eat Healthy 
  • Work on publishing a book! 
  • Spending more time off of my phone
  • Being Happy!
As you can see, the majority of my "resolutions" deal with character, time management, and relationships! Reflecting on 2014, these three main ideas were things I had a hard time controlling in my life, and now I need to work on them more than ever! 

What are your new years resolutions? Let me know in the comments! 

I hope you enjoyed this quick, spontaneous blog post an continue to make this year amazing!

See ya around!



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