Sunday, January 18, 2015

My Life in 2014

Hello Everyone! Today is a beautiful Sunday morning, and we all know that Sunday mornings are the days when my thoughts kindle afresh inspirational and insightful ideas to blog to the world! So without further ado, let me reflect on my 2014--I hope you gather something important from it!

2014. WOW. What a crazy year for me. 

Around the end of seventh grade, I had my personal style (somewhat) figured out. During the beginning of seventh grade in 2013, it had been a disaster, but I soon discovered that there were many different types of styles that I could have tried--and the long, rough journey to finding my style began. 

For my thirteenth birthday (early March), I had a surprise party with all of my closest friends. Even my best guy friend from Huntington Beach and his family had taken the time to drive down to my house and surprise me! If I could make a list of all the best birthday parties I've had, I'd definitely list my 13th at the very top! 

On May 11th, 2014, my baby cousin, Lucy, was born. I have never felt more blessed! Lucy  makes me fill up with joy every time I see her. She is such a happy little girl, and although she doesn't know it, she makes others happy every day.

From the previous year (2013), I had made friends with three amazing girls, and we'd stuck together like super glue. Yet, along with this friendship, there came relationship troubles GALORE. I remember my New Year's Resolution was to make new friends. Why? Once Summer of 2014 began, friend drama was overwhelming. One of the three friends I had made was starting text-arguments practically every single day. It ruined my summer.

Then came August, the first semester of eighth grade. I knew who I was, what clothes I preferred, girl world was at peace, and I was familiar with my middle school.  In seventh grade, I had been interviewed for a leadership club called "Bobcat Ambassadors." Fortunately, my interview was successful, and Bobcat Ambassadors became my eighth grade fourth period elective. One of my best friends had been in the class the previous year, and recommended that I "try it out." 

At first, the only friend I knew in the class was very distant. I knew a few kids from previous years in middle school, but most of them were simply acquaintances. For the first few weeks, it was extremely uncomfortable to make it through the class. I had wished to join choir again, hoping that there would still be a space for me. 

Then, everything changed in the blink of an eye.

My once distant friend suddenly became extremely close to me. We just 'clicked,' as some people might say. We even attended a play together--which has become a major part of the theatre obsession we share! I started to get to know the kids in Bobcat Ambassadors, and made a lot of great guy friends I never thought I would've had. 

In P.E, I made friends with three new girls, and along with my best friend and my friend from Bobcat Ambassadors, we are an inseparable team. If you didn't catch that present-tense hint from the last sentence, we are still together and inseparable! We've come up with crazy nicknames for each other, gang names, and are now referred to as "The Super Sexy Six." JUST KIDDING! 

So, if you didn't guess already, my 2014 was filled with ups-and-downs, friend drama and peace, new friends and old friends, but just like any other story, it worked out for the best in the end. I guess New Years Resolutions do come true!

My Life Right Now

Hello Everyone! I hope you are having an amazing weekend! 

Today I want to address the issue of my tardiness. I haven't been posting for the past few months and it has been very embarrassing. The truth is, posting felt more like a chore than a hobby. I felt that because very few people were reading my posts, if I happened to stop posting for a month or two, no one would be disappointed. 

I was right. 

There really was no need to "do it for my readers" because, let's be honest, there aren't very many of you out there! Why continue to blog if I have no one to share it with? 

As a blogger, it takes quite a lot of effort to produce quality content for readers to enjoy. In return, readers share the link to my blog and I continue to produce content. Lately, I haven't been getting anything in return. Two or three people read my blog at the most, and it's very disappointing.


A plethora of important things have occurred in my life. The New Year 2015 has approached, and I have really taken the time to identify my flaws, struggles, and goals that I need to polish and refine. 

My Top 8:

  • Spending more time with God
  • Spending more time with my siblings
  • Learning to respect my Dad
  • Controlling my anger
  • Eat Healthy 
  • Work on publishing a book! 
  • Spending more time off of my phone
  • Being Happy!
As you can see, the majority of my "resolutions" deal with character, time management, and relationships! Reflecting on 2014, these three main ideas were things I had a hard time controlling in my life, and now I need to work on them more than ever! 

What are your new years resolutions? Let me know in the comments! 

I hope you enjoyed this quick, spontaneous blog post an continue to make this year amazing!

See ya around!

